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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara - Premiumbloggertemplates.com.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara - Premiumbloggertemplates.com.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara - Premiumbloggertemplates.com.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara - Premiumbloggertemplates.com.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara - Premiumbloggertemplates.com.

বুধবার, ১১ অক্টোবর, ২০১৭

How make Facebook frame

Do you want to make frame for Facebook?
How make Facebook frame.....
Have you considered creating a custom Facebook frame for your business. The tool makes it easy to create your own, custom image overlay, which you can then share with your friends or Page fans. Using Frame Studio, businesses have the opportunity to create customized frames for profile pictures or Facebook camera. This fun and unique Facebook feature is a free tool for businesses to utilize.
Here are some tips on how to create your own.
1. Know the Terms:
First off, as with many Facebook elements, users need to be aware of the terms and policies before creating and submitting a frame.
  • Your Frame can’t contain low resolution elements
  • Your Frame can’t include effects that block or cover most of the image
  • Your Frame can’t portray nonexistent functionality (such as a ‘play’ button)
  • Your Frame can’t include any links off Facebook, such as scan able codes or QR codes
  • Your Frame can’t include any logos or watermarks
  • Your Frame can’t include any commercial or ad-like content, including but not limited to promotions, sweepstakes, banner ads, product placement that includes branding, and sales offers.
2. Create Your Frame:
The process is very easy – first off, you need to create your Frame image. You can upload single or multiple PNG files for this, so you just need to ensure you have all the elements on hand.
You then need to upload them – head to the Frame Studio (available at this link) and you’ll be linked through to a composer window where you can upload your art and see a preview of your image.
And order to maximize the benefits of your Frame; you need to create an artwork that will get noticed. Using your image editor of choice, create unique and original artwork that includes a transparent background.

33.Up lode your frame:

Once the artwork is submitted, you give your Frame a name and specify the discovery details. As you can see from the above, Frames can be targeted by “any” or a specific location. In addition users can add up to 10 keywords, to help people locate the effect.

Once you’re finished, you submit your Frame for approval – Facebook will review the submitted frame to ensure it adheres to the aforementioned terms and policies. Once approved, the frame will appear in Facebook Camera for public use. Finally, Facebook will also track the number of uses of the frame.
Developing and launching custom Frames can be a unique promotional strategy for businesses. Worth considering in your process.
Source link

মঙ্গলবার, ১০ অক্টোবর, ২০১৭

hazrat kayed saheb r.

nhiZ Kv‡q` Qv‡ne ûRyi in. Gi wRe‡bi
Awe¯§iwbq NUbvewji K‡qKwU

1.cvK nvbv`v‡ii f‡q agv©šÍ‡i we‡ivwaZvt

gyw&³hy‡×i mg‡q GKw`b QzwU‡Z evwo‡Z Avm‡j KwZcq wn›`y ûRyi‡K ej‡jb-ÔAvgv‡`i‡K gymjgvb evwb‡q wbb| cvK nvbv`vi evwnwbi Avµgb †_‡K AvZ¥iÿvi Rb¨ ZLb w`‡K w`‡K agv©šÍ‡ii wnwoK| GB µvwšÍ Kv‡j ûRyi in.Zvi gnvb Amv¤ú`vwqK bxwZ I `„wófw½i †h cwiPq w`‡qwQ‡jb Zv BwZnv‡m weij| ûRyi in. AvMZ wn›`y‡`i‡K jÿ K‡i ej‡jb-Avcbviv wK cvK †mbv‡`i nvZ †_‡K wReb iÿvi Rb¨ gymjgvb n‡Z Pvb? Av”Qv ejyb‡Zv G mg‡q hviv wbnZ n‡”Q Zviv mevB wK wn›`y, bv- wK gymjgvbivI wbnZ n‡”Q? hw` nvqvZ _v‡K Zvn‡j wn›`y n‡jI evP‡eb| evPv  giv †Kej Avjøvni nv‡Z|Õ

nyRy‡ii G e³e¨ †kvbvi ci ag©všÍi n‡Z Avmv fxZ mš¿¯’ †jvKRb bZzb Avkvq Dw¾weZ n‡q kª×vi bZyb AN© †X‡j wd‡i †M‡jb Avcb Avj‡q|


সোমবার, ৯ অক্টোবর, ২০১৭

রবিবার, ৮ অক্টোবর, ২০১৭

Maolana abul hasan nadwi

B I R T H :
#6th Muharram-ul-haram 1333 Hijri (1914A.D.) At Daira -e- Shah Alamullah, Takiya Kalan, Rae Barely,

# His mother started his education with the Holy Quran, which was followed by regular Arabic and Urdu Education.

# His father Hakeem Sayyid AbdulHai died in 1341 Hijri (1923 A.D.) when his age was a little more than 9 years. The responsibility of his upbringing and education fell on his mother and his elder brother Mawlana Hakim Dr. Sayid Abdul Ali who was himself studying at that time in a Medical college after completing his education at "Darul Uloom Nadwatul Ulama and Darul Uloom Deoband"
# Started learning Arabic from Allama Khaleel Arab Ansari Yamani, and in fact completed his education of Arabic language and literature under his guidance and supervision. In 1930 when Allama Taqiuddin Hilali (from Morocco) came to Nadwa Maulana was particularly benefited by him.

# Participated with his elder brother Dr. Sayyid Abdul Ali in the NadwatulUlama session held at Kanpur in 1926. The participants were greatly delighted by his Arabic Speaking power at such a young age. Some Arab- guests took him as their guide and interpreter. Dr. Zakir Husain [The president of India afterwards] and Maulana Abdullah Surti specially took him to their room and as a test asked him some questions.

# Took admission in Lucknow University in 1927. He was then the youngest student of the University. He secured the Degree of Fazil-e-Adab - with Gold Medal - from the University in 1929. During his Arabic education Maulana Nadwi also studied classical Urdu books which helped him in the exposition and explanation of Islamic Faith and Thinking and in his mission (Dawah-wa-Tableegh) in a contemporary language.

#During 1928-30 he also paid special attention to the learning of English language. He utilized this in his literary works and call for ALLAH as well as during his travels to Europe and America afterwards. It also facilitated for him reading English references in the areas of history and Islamic studies. 
# Was admitted to Darul Uloom Nadwatul-Ulama in 1929 and attended Darse-Hadith (Lessons of Hadith) of Allama Muhaddis (Scholar of Traditions) Haider Hasan Khan, and literally read under him the whole of Sahihain, (Bukhari &Muslim) Sunan-e-AbiDaud, and Sunan-e- Tirmidhi. Remained under his guidance for about two years and was greatly benefited by him in learning the art of Tradition. 
#Took lessons of selected Verses of the Holy Qur’an from Allama Khaleel Arab, and during his studentship at Nadwa 1929 Attended Dars-e-Baidhawi of Allama Haider Hasan Khan. 
#In 1930, during his second journey to Lahore studied the initial portion of AlBaqarah

#To Lahore studied Hujjat-ullah-il-Baligha from him and in the same year on hisadvice became the disciple of Hazrat Khalifa Ghulam Mohammad Bhawalpuri.  * In 1931, during his third journey.

#Shaikh-ul-Islam Husain Ahmad Madani and attended his lessons in Sahihul Bukhari and Sunan Tirmidhi, and took lessons in Islamic Law (Jurisprudence) from Maulana Ejaz Ali , and in Tajveed (Recitation of the Holy Qur’an), According to the traditions of Hafs from Qari Asghar Ali.

Kayed saheb hujur r.

nhiZ Kv‡q` Qv‡ne ûRyi in. Gi AMwbZ KvivgZ †_‡K
K‡qKwU KvivgZ

‡ivM †_‡K gyw³ welqKt
1994 m‡bi NUbv| Kz‡qZ ‡_‡K wd‡i nhiZ Kv‡q` Qv‡ne ûRyi in. Gi Kv‡Q †Mjvg| AvbygvwbK mKvj 10Uv, `k©bvw_©‡`i cªPÛ fxo, Ggb mgq †`Ljvg- cÿvNv‡Z AvµvšÍ, wPwKrmvq wedj GK e¨vw³ ûRy‡ii Kv‡Q †`vqvi Rb¨ G‡m‡Qb| ûRyi in Zv‡K `kdv‡Û gvbœZ Ki‡Z ej‡jb Ges Aek nv‡Z Kjg w`‡q wjL‡Z wb‡`©k w`‡jb| †m wjL‡Z cviwQj bv| ûRyi in. RRevi nvj‡Z Zv‡K m‡Rv‡i nvK w`‡q cybt wjL‡Z ej‡jb| Avjøvni wK Awmg ingZ! ‡m wjL‡Z mÿg nj| Zvi Aek nvZ gyû‡Z©B my¯’ n‡q  †Mj| ûRyi in. Gi †`vqvq cÿvNvZ,K¨vÝvimn wewfbœ KwVb e¨wa‡Z  AvµvšÍ eû †ivMxi my¯_ nevi NUbv c~e© †_‡KB Avwg ï‡b AvmwQjvg| wKš‘ G NUbvi cÖZ¨ÿ`kx©  n‡q Avwg we¯§‡q Awff~Z n‡qwQ|

‡gvnv¤§` Pvb wgqv


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